Is Saving Money Depriving Yourself? 

“The best thing money can buy is financial freedom.” ~Rob Berger

One of the biggest problems most people have is that they believe that only spending money makes them happy. As a result, many people are reluctant to save because they reason that, taken to the extreme, if they save up money, they will be rich when they are older, but then they will be too old to enjoy that money.

The problem with this line if reasoning is that it assumes that spending gives happiness and therefore saving up money means you are not spending money and therefore while you are saving you are depriving yourself, making yourself unhappy.

The problem with this reasoning is that it ignores the happiness that comes from holding money rather than spending it.

When you hold money, you give yourself freedom and optimism about the future. You give yourself a sense of security. Holding money and investing that money also allows you draw income in the form of dividends, which gives you security because you don’t need to work for that money.

This is why I have no fear of dying with money saved up. I imagine I will adopt a child when I am very old and he or she will inherit everything or I will just will it to charity.

Many people consider this wasteful but it is not. Money held is not wasted. It serves a useful purpose, which is to give you passive income and security, which gives you happiness.